Sunday, December 31, 2006

What Will We Experience in 2007?

I’m not in to New Year’s resolutions. Nor do I pay much attention to New Year’s predictions. However, I do like to consider how prepared my life may or may not be to face the unknown of the coming 12 months.

An Associated Press/AOL poll revealed that 60% of Americans believe that the U.S. will be the victim of a terrorist attack in 2007. The same percentage believes that a nuclear or biological weapon will be unleashed somewhere in the world. Forty percent believe the U.S. will enter a war with Iran. Twenty-five percent believe that Jesus Christ will return and usher in the end of the world.

What if?

What if one of the above predictions did take place? What if a loved one died? What if you were diagnosed with cancer or some incurable disease? What if you were disabled and no longer able to work?

What if you got involved with a group of some of the greatest people you’ve ever met? What if you suddenly and unexpectedly came into a significant amount of money? What if a spiritual awakening broke out all around you?

I don’t know the future but I do know who holds the future. I assure you that is not a cliché to me. I’m not suggesting that we turn to God like a crystal ball and try to get a peek into the future. I’m suggesting that we walk closely with God.

As children we learn to watch our parents and take cues from them. If they were agitated or unhappy about something then we learned to be invisible around them. If they were happy or seemed to be having fun then we would want to draw near and share in the joy.

Literally I have had God prepare my heart for someone’s death, for a crisis that was about to befall me or for blessings that were about to come my way. I don’t mean that I suddenly knew the future. I simply had a sense in my “heart” (thinking/feelings) that something was about to happen.

And, even in those times where I didn’t have a clue that something was about to take place, I found great comfort and strength in the fact that God knew what was happening in or around my life. God is never surprised by what happens and He is always pleased to give us wisdom, courage and grace in such times because He likes blessing us. But God is also pleased to give us things we need in times of challenge or prosperity because His working in us brings glory to Him.

There is so much more to say about the importance of walking with God through all the highs and lows of life but allow me to simply present this invitation. Make a commitment and establish a plan to do life with God better in 2007 than ever before. A good church and pastor can help you with that. If you don’t have one I’d be glad to help.

God bless you as you launch into the next chapter of your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott, what a refreshing take on the New Year! Thanks for such a word of encouragement. I don't want to know what is coming in 2007, but I want to be prepared for whatever awaits in 2007.
