Monday, March 30, 2009

"Been There, Done That" with Church?

Craig Groeschel is the senior pastor at, one of the most innovative churches in America that not only has one church on multiple campuses but some of those campuses are in other states.

Craig remembers talking with a guy on a plane about God. Craig asked him if he went to church and the guy replied that he wasn’t interested “Because I’ve already been and nothing happened.”

Craig later reflected, “Maybe he went to a ‘safe’ church. In a safe church—

The message makes you feel better.
You’re never confronted about your sin.
No one rocks the boat.
You don’t have to change.
You may never truly encounter our Holy and Life-giving God.

Reading the New Testament one finds the church filled with people who possess a dangerous faith. Though a church environment should be welcoming, the message should remain dangerous.

We’re called to leave everything to follow Christ.
We’re invited to believe God for the impossible.
We’re told to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
We’re told that to find our life we have to lose it first.

What’s church like for you? Do you primarily look for comfort or challenge? Is the worship gathering easy to miss or “can’t miss” because you encounter the presence of God? Do you yawn or yearn for the voice of God, touch of God and mission of God?

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