Friday, January 02, 2015

Deepening My Communication with God

Assuming that you would like to be able to sense God’s presence and with your heart “see” and “hear” His movement and activity around you better in the coming year, where would you begin?

My recommendation would be to deepen your ability to communicate with God.

When my communication with my wife or with friends is significantly good, I also seem to gain a capacity to sense what’s going on with them and thereby gain more intimacy with them. The same is true with my relationship with God.

Where is God leading you in 2015?

What aspect of your character is God prioritizing for greater development?

Who is it that God knows you to be?

Why does God have you in this world?

How are you to live so that at the end of life you hear from God, “Well done”?

These questions may seem intimidating or for some even impossible. Yet these are the kinds of things that God is pleased to speak into our minds and hearts (thoughts and feelings). He is more committed to our transformation than we. What becomes essential is that I grow in my ability to understand and experience God.

The Lord gives us the grace for our personal growth. What is our part?

For the next several days I will be posting some of my experience and practical ideas that I believe will offer a little boost to you moving forward in your relationship with Jesus. I invite you to join me in a journey and conversation; think of us walking and talking together.

I hope you’ll join me.

1 comment:

Bill Stewart said...

As I struggle with understanding what Jesus is telling me and what I may think he is, I find I have a better chance of getting it right the more I set time aside for Him.