Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Remembering 9-11 & Asking the "Safe" Question

As we approach the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, journalists and politicians will bring many things to our attention and remembrance. Amid all the talk will be one question that will be asked and discussed over and again; “Are we safer today than 5 years ago?”

There will be posturing and pontificating, bloviating and bellowing about how we are/are not more safe. Anecdotes, statistics and expert opinions will be in abundant supply. I do care about America being safer. I do think that we’ve made progress in securing our nation. I do think there is much more to be done. I want our government and citizenry to do everything reasonable to keep our country as free and secure as possible.

That being said, we can never be totally safe. Right? Even if we secure the borders and keep Al-Qaeda at bay, there will always be a “Timothy McVeigh” within that will strike senselessly and ruthlessly. There has always been and there will always be cruelty and an assault on innocence.

Because of this reality, ancient Hebrews and Christians refused to trust in “horses and chariots” or in alliances with powerful nations. Rather, they placed their trust in the Lord. Did trusting God mean that a “believer” never suffered at the hands of evil? No. There are many accounts in history and contemporary news of robberies, rapes and ravages. But the difference is that the “believer” had a confidence and hope that God would either be their fortress and rock (safety) or, if God allowed something horrific to happen God would somehow make that work for a good, redemptive purpose.

In Hebrews 11:35-39 there is an account of many faithful believers that suffered terrible things. Their testimony is that it is more important to know the Deliverer than it is to be delivered. That testimony is worth reflecting on.

As I close today’s post let me encourage you to take a moment right now and say a prayer for surviving family members and friends of the 9-11 victims. They deal and cope every day with loss that we only think about occasionally.

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