Thursday, September 06, 2007

How Are You, Really?

I had 5 people Wednesday ask, “How are you?” I’m not talking about the “How are you?” like “How’s it going today?” I’m talking about the “I care about you and was wondering how your experience of life is going right now?”

The latter question of course takes time in order to listen and respond. The former can be said while you’re walking past someone and waving. It doesn’t require an answer.

I’m not picking on the casual question. Sometimes I don’t have time for in depth listening. But I am making a case for our need to have some number of people in our lives who will ask the probing questions.

The first time I was asked Wednesday was at a 7:30 a.m. coffee meeting. I was caught a bit off guard and had to take a moment to think, “How am I?” Then I tried to give a thoughtful and honest answer. After a few minutes I was able to return the question. Within 15 minutes we had a great connection and were ready to focus on the business that brought about our meeting.

The same scenario was played out in the other meetings I had through the day. It doesn’t always happen that way but it did on Wednesday. I had a couple of irritations and some stress associated with a project but mostly I moved through the day with a sense of being a blessed man because of the gifts of relationships I enjoy.

Ultimately each of the above mentioned contacts reflect to me the interest and concern God has about my life (and yours). The human exchange stirred a Father-son exchange, which served to draw my heart closer to my Lord.

This post is a “God moment” of His reach to you in the midst of your day and circumstance. God is asking “How are you?” Not because He needs information but because the question will cause you to self-assess in the shadow of His presence. This is a moment of His drawing you closer. I pray that you will lean in.

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