Tuesday, July 18, 2006

C.S. Lewis & God

Clive Staples Lewis, also known as C.S. Lewis and referred to as “Jack” by his friends, is an esteemed author and Christian thinker…by Americans. This afternoon I had the fun opportunity to take a tour of various "C.S. Lewis stops" in Oxford, England. I saw the college where he taught, the magistrate house where he married, the home where he spent his weekends, the church where he worshiped and the pubs where he would have a drink with friends and talk about books.

There are many things that I find interesting about Lewis’ life. That which gives me cause to pause in reflection is that few people in Oxford know who Lewis was. In fact, ask 10 people if they know who C.S. Lewis was, 9 will not know!

Visiting Americans are stunned to find out that there are no statues, no museums, and no big deal about Lewis. It seems to be a case of; those who are closest to you take you most for granted.

The great exception to that phenomenon is God. No one knows you more thoroughly and completely than God and yet He never takes you for granted or ignores you. The Bible says that God knows you so well that He is aware of the number of hairs on your head. Yet, God never tires of you, is never too preoccupied to respond to you and actually longs for your friendship.

Don’t misunderstand. God is not some lonely loser that doesn’t have any other “friends” and is desperate for relationship with anyone. He is the embodiment of wholeness and completeness. He has no needs. Yet, He chooses to pursue you for friendship.

Have you taken a tour of “God stops” lately? Visit His church. Read His book. Spend time with others who have friendship with God. Refuse to be among the number of those who don’t know who God is.

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