Friday, November 28, 2008

Considering Christmas

We’ve enjoyed a little time off from work and plenty of turkey, dressing, pies and televised sports. Some of us braved the crowds and shopped for bargains on Black Friday. Christmas is quickly approaching.

There will be office parties, cards to mail, trees to cut and gifts to buy. Before you get too carried away check out the video below.

Consumerism does not equal happiness, memories or meaning. The video said it well.

This Sunday, November 30, marks the beginning of Advent, a season where Christians celebrate the coming of Christ. Join the conspiracy and make Advent more about Christ than consuming; more about helping the poor than hoarding more stuff; more about worshiping God than focusing on self.

Let’s intentionally engage Christmas rather than be overcome by it.


Anonymous said...

Recently I was thinking about stuff I really want to buy or things I feel I "need" (but aren't really needs). And then I suddenly remembered that scene of Schindler's List where Schindler is crying and saying he could have done more to save the Jews. People are still dying (physically, emotionally, spiritually) around us. How many times do we casually spend our time and money on something that really isn't purposeful and could potentially have saved a life? The saying I have heard a lot: "Well God wants us to enjoy good things too" is fine, but should be used in balance with the responsibility/power that comes with our time and money. I for one know I need to work on this.

Anonymous said...

How did we get to this place? When did things become more important than people?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Scott for sharing the video. I posted it to my facebook page where my family, friends, co-workers, high school and college acquiantances will be able to view it and be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

I enjoy your blog. Thank you and God bless.