Friday, June 06, 2008

How much do I care?

Every now and then an image strikes me and it gives me cause to pause and reflect on the state of my heart. How much do I care about what is going on in the lives of those around me?

Check out the 45 second clip below and not only notice what happens but especially what doesn’t happen.

Every day people around us are struck down by the “vehicles” of rejection, condescension, judgment, superiority, poverty, injustice and apathy. What am I doing about it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog made me feel really sad. I remember trying to help someone falling down drunk in the street in down town Seattle and no one helping me to help the guy. It was kind of scary.
An example of people helping and caring for someone they may or may not know is on a blog on blogspot called "friendsofJamesO'Neal". James has been my cashier at the grocery store where I buy food. I was very excited to see so many people donating to help his situation.